Unlock your potential: learn, grow and succeed with Mendix

Premium Training program

The Orange Force Premium Training program is an intensive, hands-on program that trains participants from zero Mendix knowledge to an independently developing Mendix Consultant who develops using the highest industry standards in terms of performance, security, and manageability of code in 8 weeks. 

The program enables participants to develop a deep understanding of Mendix development and low-code development in general at their own pace, training hard skills as well as soft skills required to participate in Fusion Teams. They will receive full, individual attention from some of the most experienced Mendix Trainers in the world.

The Premium Training program is based on the training that the international team of Mendix Experts at The Orange Force receives.  

Unleash the Power

Topics covered during training

An overview of some of the most important topics covered during this training


Soft skills

Conversation techniques, (non-)verbal communication, dealing with resistance, et cetera. In addition to the hard skills required of a Mendix Consultant. 



Principles of object orientated programming (OOP), setting up maintainable, high-performing, and secure Mendix domain models. 



Basis of Agile Scrum: understand the different roles, setting up concrete and complete user stories, including acceptance criteria.


Best practices

Build Mendix domain models and logic according to industry best practices to ensure delivery of performant and secure mission critical applications.


Modeling techniques

Basis and advanced modeling techniques for domain models and custom logic with proven design patterns.


Data consistency

Keeping data consistent throughout applications and processes is key to good working applications.



Preventing unauthorized access, restricting access to database records and other advanced topics to keep apps secure.



Consuming and publishing REST APIs with Mendix, design patterns and best practices.

Take Action Now

Unlock your potential with The Orange Force Premium Training program!